Man sitting at table for video interview

Plantation Games

During a recent Legacy Video interview with a 95-year-old gentleman, he shared about growing up in Pepe’ekeo plantation camp on Hawai’i Island. He had fond memories of playing “stickball” (literally playing with a stick and the “ball” was a bag of grass!). One of his most jaw dropping stories was so mind-blowing I had to ask him to repeat it because surely he didn’t say what I thought he said…

The Secret to a Long Life?

(Loosely translated from my memory)
HIM: We used to play where they were making the roads and we’d pick out the tar from the road and chew it as chewing gum.
ME: 😳 I’m sorry I thought I just heard you say that you used to chew tar from the street like chewing gum…
HIM: Yes, that’s what I said.
ME: 😦 So you were literally eating the actual street?
HIM: Haha, yes I guess so!
ME: 🤯 Is that even safe? How are you even alive?
HIM: At the time it seemed normal but I guess yeah, maybe that was a little different.
ME: Well you are almost 96 years old… Maybe we all should be chewing tar?

Breathing Life Into Old Memories

Hearing something so normal to him and yet so incredible to me and seeing his face light up and be so tickled by my reaction… That’s what this is all about. It’s such a joy to have conversations like this. Sharing stories, breathing life into old memories and preserving these stories for future generations. It’s so important and I hope you’ll carry this on with your family, in whatever way you can.
This means so much to Jamie and me, and if you need help – even if it’s just to ask for tips or advice on how to capture your own videos – please don’t hesitate to reach out. Our hope is that every family’s stories are captured and preserved, and we’d be thrilled to be part of making that happen for your family.

Holiday Special

We’re doing a special offer for the holidays – get $500 off if you book a Gold or Platinum Video Biography Package by December 25, 2022 🎄 Contact us for more info.